WooCommerce 1C: Enterprise Data Exchange this is a WordPress plugin that implements data exchange between WooCommerce and the 1C: Enterprise 8 accounting system. The result of the work is filling and updating the product catalog from 1C on the website, as well as exchange of orders.
It works using the exchange protocol between the “1C: Enterprise” system and the site. This open protocol was developed by 1C and 1C-Bitrix.
- Create and update categories.
- Create and update product properties and their values.
- Create and update products (and variations, if records are kept on the characteristics), images, prices and stocks.
- Support full exchange or change only.
- Unloading orders.
- Possibility of automatic set of the image category (for the first product with the image).
- Support for the adoption of data in the archive.
- The ability to control the size of the part when transferring files from 1C.
- Support for sequential loading (files received from 1C are processed with control of runtime).
- Ability to select the type of prices for regular price (if there are several unloading).
- All settings on the site through the administrative panel.
- Image previews.
Important notes:
- The plugin requires a minimum 3. `WooCommerce` version.
- It works with the configuration “Trade Management” and others, for example, “Integrated Automation”, provided that the configuration has the ability to exchange with the site. Please check this feature with your 1C specialist.