Ciscryp – NFT Marketplace React Template
Ciscryp | NFT Marketplace React Template – a responsive React template theme with NFT Marketplace and NFTs Store. Ciscryp is built by the latest React typescript and tailwindcss.
Ciscryp has a modern and fresh design for the entire website from overall to functions such as: Smart search filter, Collection, Profile page, Blog…
(I’m happy to send you the design file (Figma) if you need it)
Now you don’t need to read anymore, click preview and enjoy it.
Key Features
- 15+ Page
- Built on the latest Tailwindcss
- Dark and Light version
- Built with Create React App Typescript
- React HeadlessUI components
- React 17x
- React Hooks
- Typescript latest
- React Router 5
- No jQuery dependency
- Glidejs
- Proptypes checking for all components
- React hooks for state management
- Higher-order component
- Webpack 4, Babel, ES6 & Eslint based build system
- Opinionated code formatter Prettier for a consistent codebase
- Interactive and functional components and pages
- Page Collection, Author, Profile, Upload Item …
- Account & Author page
- Mordern Blog and Single
- Demo data on components
- Font Line Awesome
- Heroicons svg
- Built-in react packages:
- @tailwindcss/typography
- @tailwindcss/forms
- @tailwindcss/line-clamp
- @tailwindcss/aspect-ratio
- @headlessui/react