Smarthr – Vuejs + Laravel Admin Template
SmartHR is designed for businesses that could use an automated and integrated HRMS system. It can simplify the management of both HR and workplace operations and provide a dashboard. This template is built and integrated with laravel and vuejs.
The feature-rich Web App Template is designed to manage:
- Employee management (Attendance, Holiday, Leave)
- Time sheet management
- Shift and Schedule
- Payroll management (salary with Payslip)
- Project management
- Task management
- Assets management
- Leads management
- Clients management
- Account management
- Report system & Invoice
- Tickets system
- Estimate management
- Jobs management
- Leave, Holiday and Attendance management
- Events management of all departments in an organization
- Subscription Based Company Register html pages
- Jobs management
Other Feature Module in React template:
- Voice and Video Call
- File Manager
- Contacts and Email
- Departments and Designations
- Timesheet and Overtime
- Kanban Board
- Payroll, Payslip and Payrun
- Company Policies
- Performance, Goal Tracking, Training and Promotion
- Resignation and Termination
- Faq and Knowledgebase
- Profile Settings, Profile and Edit Profile
- Authendication and Error Pages
- Search, Terms and Privacy Policy
- Company Settings
- Localization Settings
- Fully Responsive Layout
- SEO Optimized