Flexible Timetables and Shifts

Flexible Timetables and Shifts


Flexible Timetables and Shifts


This is the Odoo app to organize teamwork when employees have flexible timetables. The tool allows and forces users to plan shifts in advance. Peers know their colleagues working time, while HR managers control attendance.

Comfortable shifts planning

The app introduces the innovative work calendar where users create shifts just by choosing a period and update those by merely dragging a card. A minute to plan a whole week. As flexible as needed

Team collaboration

Employees can access each other shifts calendar. Work schedule can be also printed to be physically stuck in the office. Thus, users always know where and when their colleagues are available

Work calendar interface

Find a specific user shift using the built-in calendar filters by employee, department, context, or company. Analyze a single user or the whole team.  Control shifts on the Odoo Enterprise Gantt view

Odoo weekly timetables

Shifts are auto-combined into weekly timetables from Monday to Sunday. There, employees check themselves while HR managers control the correctness and completeness of plans

HR control

Based on the Odoo attendance features, HR administrators supervise shift fulfillment right in employees’ timetables. Turn on the approval option also to force users to get a confirmation for their shifts

Working context (reasons)

For both attendance and planned shifts, users may be asked to choose a context. The list is up to you: ‘distant’, ‘office central’, ‘office west’, and so on. The features let quickly understand where or why employees work

Timetable reminders

Configure Odoo to remind employees to plan shifts for the next week. Notify users of being late if they have not checked in but were previously planning to work

Multiple companies and timezones

The app fully supports multi-timezones and multi-companies environments. Perfect for geographically distributed teams where cooperation becomes really crucial.

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