Multi User Inventory Count / Stock Take

Multi User Inventory Count / Stock Take


Inventory Count Solution designed by us not only allows you to avoid such discrepancies and get rid of such Nightmares but manage various other processes too in Automated way while syncing up the Physical availability of products
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Multi User Inventory Count / Stock Take

In this fastest growing technology world, almost all Businesses with Multiple Products and Multiple Warehouses uses Inventory Management Solutions for Automating all processes to Manage Inventory but because of various reasons like physically damaged products, theft reasons, misplacement of products and many such real time incidencies, it is mandatory to compare and match What quantity of products do you have physically versus what your Stock count or Inventory Management Software says you should have?

Inventory Count Solution designed by us not only allows you to avoid such discrepancies and get rid of such Nightmares but manage various other processes too in Automated way while syncing up the Physical availability of products to the one with stock count in Inventory Management Software.

It Automates and solves various process of your Business while counting stock manually like
  • Which employee will perform this process of Physical Stock Count?
  • Which Manager will take analytical decisions?
  • How much time does your employee spend to count inventories?
  • Which employee will perform Inventory counting for which Warehouse and which location?
  • How to analyze the accuracy and performance of employees?
  • How to manage and synchronize multiple teams at multiple locations simultaneously for a large number of products and multiple Warehouses?
  • How to analyze and decide which manager employees are involved in which Physical count task to plan and assign future work?
  • Decide on approval or rejection of Inventory count by employee
  • Barcode scanning system feasibility also provided with this solution for counting products with Multiple Quantities avoiding manual count and thus error.


Set Plannar

  • Planner of Inventory Counting can be set based on Users’ choice where user can
  • Set Warehouse in which Inventory Count should be performed
  • Set Frequency Day after which every time checking should be performed.
  • Set type whether counting should be done for a single or Multiple session
  • Select Products that should be checked.

Track Records of Inventory Count

  • Users can track records and status of Inventory Count done based on Scheduled Action by setting planar of Inventory Count.

Manage multiple Session simultaneously

  • It allows you to set and manage multiple sessions to verify physical quantity of products when there are multiple Warehouses and Multiple locations where a single user performing a complete task becomes too time consuming and practically impossible.

Analysis over performance of employee

  • Allows managers to analyze the performance of employees by comparing how much time is being taken by employees to complete the assigned work.

Analysis over accuracy of work done by employee

  • Allows to analyze the performance throughput of employees and take necessary decisions by comparing the physical quantity counted by them and the one in the system.

Approve/Reject based on discrepancy generated

  • Allows manager to analyze and take action to either approve or reject the quantity counted by User based on real time analysis and discrepancies

Inventory Count Report

  • This report allows you to track and analyze over the difference in quantity between the theoretical quantity in system and the counted quantity for the products belonging to which Warehouse at Which location.

Adjustment Report

  • This report allows you to track and identify that for which products of which Warehouse at which location
  • The counted quantity is more than the one in system and what adjustment of quantity was done aiding to solve overstock Nightmare
  • The counted quantity is less than the one in system and what adjustment of quantity was done aiding to solve Out-of-Stock Nightmare

User Statistic Report

  • This report allows you to analyze which user performed how many tasks and what percentage of calculative mistakes were done by the user and thus analyze over performance of the user.

Informative Dashboard

  • You can analyze and gather all information about current status of each Inventory Count session displaying all details about time, date, users assigned, manager assigned, total number of products with Warehouse Location under calculation, number of products scanned and number of products remaining to count and all such details in most user friendly manner
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