Dobuler – Driver App for iOS & Android
Dobuler – Driver App for iOS & Android
Dobuler is a React Native App that provides all the necessary pages for creating a Driver Delivery Application. So far we have created 49 unique pages & 65 components and the exciting news is that we will be adding more over time and all updates will be free for download for anybody that has purchased the template at any time in the past. The Food Delivery Application is an app that shippers can use to deliver food to customers who ordered it
Purchasing this app will save you time designing a food delivery app and/or hiring developers to create an app like Dasher for you, or even an app serving just your delivery company or restaurant. Creating apps like this has always cost so much money and the quality of the item received is always doubtful as well. The reason why React Native technology is amazing, on which our app is based, is that with a single code base it is compatible with Android & iOS, meaning that in one product you get an app, that can be used on both Android and iOS.
If you are a developer, this application will be great for you since you can learn from the codebase and get an amazing library of components created for Dobuler. We have used all the latest technologies, great libraries and have created many custom components that are quite complex and can save you a lot of time.
Dobuler react native app can be reused for other purposes than food delivery as well. The whole design is easily customizable and you can quickly change it up to match the colors you want or create new layouts using an existing set of component libraries. The documentation is awesome, the data displayed can be easily changed and the app looks even so beautiful! If you ever need any help with it, our team will be happy to provide customizations for you.
All Screens
- Create Account Slideshow
- Wizard Registration Screen
- Forgot Password Screen
- Chat Screen
- Send OTP Verification Screen
- OTP Verification Screen
- Delivery History Home Screen
- Delivery Detail Screen
- Vehicle Registration Screen
- Car Registration Screen
- Bike Registration Screen
- Notifications Home Screen
- Credit Card Settings Screen
- My Wallet Home Screen
- Withdraw History Screen
- Add Card Detail Screen
- Add New PayPal
- Add Payout Methods Screen
- Add Card Details Screen
- Drivers License Screen
- Wire Transfer Screen
- Personal Information Screen
- Company Information Screen
- Change Password Screen
- Delivery Map Home Screen
- Current Order Screen
- Surrender Act Screen
- Online Support Screen
- Registration Screen
- Profile Home Screen
- Choose Registration Type Screen
- Privacy Policy Screen
- Settings Screen
- Terms of Use Screen
- Support Home Screen
- FAQ Screen
- Settings Screen
Stay tuned for Restaurant App coming soon!
We have already rolled out the Dobule Customer End App and it can be found on code canyon, or just follow this link.
This app is useful for anyone looking to create a food delivery application. You can use Dobule and hook it up with your Database and Backend to make it functional. We have used Redux Store, Javascript, and JSON files to store static data that the application will be used to display information.
Since this is a React Native Application, each screen is made from single to multi-components. These components can be reused for other purposes and are totally dynamically generated according to the input information provide to construct them.
All Components
- Accordion Item
- Address Information Fields
- Border Divider
- Bottom Tab Bar
- Cachable Image
- Contact
- Date Picker
- Dropdown
- Earning Item
- Food Item
- Footer Text
- Generic Input Field
- Google Info Pin
- Header
- Icon Text
- Image Popup
- Interactive Star
- Long Button
- Message Item
- Multiline Text Input
- No Information Text
- Ordered Item List
- Phone Number
- Popups
- Profile With Border
- Radio Button
- Review Display
- Search Box With Right Icon
- Side Icons With Title
- Signature Input Field
- Square Button
- Square Generic Input Field
- Square List Icon
- Tab Bar
- Title Picture
- Title Text
- Title With Underline
- Underline Text Icon
- Withdraw History Item
- Write Message Text Input