Application for Extending Feature of Activity Schedules by Odoo
Manage Activities Schedule with Odoo Application by Users and Managers
This app is an extension of the schedule activity of Odoo standard, which allows displaying all schedule activities to the activity manager, team schedule activities to the supervisor, and my schedule activities to employees or users.
All activities across various documents will be consolidated and displayed in one central location. This global schedule feature allows users/employees to efficiently oversee and manage their diverse range of activities.
Main Features:
- Levels access rights :
- Manager: Monitor all user activities
- Supervisor: Monitor activities of assigned users only
- User: View only own schedule activities
- Available views include: List, Calendar, Kanban (Late/Today/Future), Pivot, View Activity, and Graph Activity for schedule activities.
- Reports on Activities in Business Intelligence, Kanban (Delayed/Today/Future) based on their respective access privileges.
- Activity Manager and Activity Supervisor groups can be utilized for user forms.
- Users have the ability to arrange activities from various documents, with forms conveniently accessible through a single menu item. This allows users to easily view and manage all activities in one centralized location.
Menu Options Offered:
- Schedule Activity
- Activity
- All Activities
- My Team Activities
- My Activities
- Reporting
- Activities
- Activity
Example users for the screenshots below:
- 1. Marc Willis is the regular user or employee.
- 2. Nicole Ford is the supervisor of the activity.
- 3. Mitchell John is the manager of the activity.
Three user sets have been established for activity access in total
1. Normal users -> The user is limited to accessing their personal activity solely through the “My Activities” menu.
2. Activity Supervisor -> The user has the ability to view their personal activity through the “My Activities” menu and designate it to themselves as a supervisor in the “My Team Activities” menu. It is important to note that when creating an activity, we can assign a supervisor who will have access to it as well.
3. Activity Manager -> This individual holds a high-level position with access to “My Activities”, “My Team Activities”, and “All Activities”.