CBEX – Responsive CPA, Tax and Accounting HTML5 Template
CBEX is a premium HTML5 template for CPA, Tax & Accounting websites. The design comes with all the necessary pages needed to setup your website in minutes.
Features Overview
- Created With Proper Industry Research
- Award Winning Design Quality
- Modern, Flexible & Customizable
- 2 Different Extensive Home Pages
- Fully Liquid Responsive
- Responsive Bootstrap 5 Layouts
- Pixel Perfect 100% Flat Graphics
- Minimal and Clean User Interface
- Retina Ready Graphics
- Quick Support
- and much more
CBEX Pages
- 01_Home
- 02_Home
- 03_About
- 04_Our Team
- 05_Careers
- 06_Services
- 07_Services Detail
- 08_Blog
- 09_Blog Post
- 10_Conact
- 11_Login
- 12_Signup
Design Sources
Design Fonts:
- Libre Franklin
Design Images:
- Shutterstock
Design Icons:
- Font Awesome
Please note images used in the design are for preview purpose only..