Vetra | E-Commerce HTML Admin Dashboard Template
Vetra is an admin template developed for the management of e-commerce projects. It meets all your needs with different pages. Developed with new generation and up-to-date libraries and plugins. It is very easy to use and develop. It has a very simple and understandable code structure.
We developed this project with HTML, CSS and Javascript. We used Gulp to manage frontend jobs.
- Bootstrap 5
- SASS Supported
- Gulp 4 Supported
- Light and Dark Versions
- Horizontal and Vertical Menu
- Easily Customizable
- Authentication Pages
- 5 Icons Sets
- 90+ HTML Pages
- 3 Web Applications
- Google Fonts
- Fully Responsive Design
- Creative and Modern Design
- W3C Validated Pages
- Well Commented Code
Plugins and Libraries
Plugins and libraries come with the project. You can use it without the need for any internet connection. Plugins are very easy to use and include on the page.
- Ckeditor 5
- Clock Picker
- DataTable
- Date Range Picker
- Dropzone
- Form Repeater
- Form Wizard
- Input Mask
- Intro.js
- Lightbox
- Nestable
- Prism
- Quill
- Range Slider
- Rating
- Select2
- Slick Slide
- Tags Input
- Vmap
- Masonry
- Apex Chart
- Chart.js
- Justgage Chart
- Morsis Chart
Images are not included in the download.