Remark – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template
Remark is a premium, responsive, creative, customizable admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap 4 (You can email me to get the bootstrap v3 version). There are a huge of powerful components build with scss/less css which makes it easy to modify.
It’s the latest collection in our highly reliable libraries, its componets cover the best practices on web and mobile. It can be easily integrated into your projects, allowing you to create solutions for your future designs quickly.
Features List
- Responsive layout (Desktops, Tablets and mobile devices)
- Built with latest Bootstrap 4
- Flat UI with Clean Style
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Bootstrap Like Data API
- Implemented in Modular Scss/Less Files (compiled CSS included)
- Extend Utilities Class
- Angular UI Support
- Grunt Tasks and Gulp tasks
- Bower Dependency Management
- Developer Friendly Code
- Code optimize with tools (htmlhint, jshint, lesshint, csslint, bootlint)
Full List
- 1000+ UI Component
- 100+ Widgets
- Psd file includes
- Foldable Navigation with Infinite Levels
- Horizontal Mega Menu
- Multiple Layout
- Quick Chat Panel
- Touchable Slide Panel
- Language Selector
- Style of Site Guide
- Loading Style (animsition.js)
- Useful Forms Plugins Support
- Form Vaidate
- jQuery Wizard
- jQuery Formatter
- Image cropping
- jQuery Fileupload
- Select2
- Bootstrap Select
- Bootstrap Tokenfield
- Bootstrap Tags Input
- multiselect.js
- typehead
- Boostrap Maxlength
- iCheck
- switchery
- clockpicker
- jQuery timepicker
- bootstrap-datepicker
- datepair.js
- jquery knob
- jquery strength
- card
- labelauty
- xeditable
- Dropify
- summernote
- markdown editor
- ace editor
- 10 Chart Plugin Support
- Chartist.js
- C3
- Chartks
- Morris
- Flot
- Sparkline
- Rickshaw
- Peity
- Gauges
- Pie Progress
- 9 Table Plugin
- Bootstrap Table
- Tablesaw
- DataTables
- editableTableWidget
- floatThead
- jsGrid
- FooTable
- Jquery Tabledit
- Table Dragger
- Pages
- Error pages(400, 401, 403, 404, 500 and 503)
- Register(v1, v2, v3)
- Login(v1, v2, v3)
- Lockscreen
- Maintenance
- Forgot Password
- Google Map
- Vector Map
- Invoice
- People Profile(v1, v2, v3)
- Search Result
- User List
- Code Editor
- Gallery
- Sitemap
- Project
- Calendar App
- Contacts App
- Mailbox App
- Taskboard App
- Media App
- Documents App
- Forum App
- Projects App
- Notebook app
- Messages app
- Work app
- Location app
- Travel app