StackDash – HTML, Laravel & Rails Dashboard Template
StackDash is a multi-framework Admin Dashboard with Bootstrap 4 at it’s core you can work with it as:
- HTML Version
- Laravel version with Blade views and Laravel asset pipeline
- Light Rails version with .erb partials and Rails asset pipeline
- Sketch design file – 3 pages / various layouts
You can leverage the power of Stack UI Kit from design to your favourite dev framework having it all at your fingertips will make your app development fast and reliable.
Designed to fit various businesses StackDash is one complete UI kit that will immediately impress with its clean design and fully responsive features.
- Included all of Bootstrap 4.4.1 components
- Sketch File
- Rails 5.x Light Version
- Laravel 6.x Complete Version
- 4x Dashboards
- Multiple Layout Variations
- Right-To-Left Support
- 4+ Application Interfaces
- Customized Line, Bar, Area & Donut Charts
- Projects, Trello (drag & drop), Chat & Calendar Apps
- 10+ stats card variants
- 5+ list card variants
- Forms
- Validation
- Search
- Group
- Rounded
- Flush
- Toggle
- Date pickers
- Input Masking
- WYSIWYG editor
- File Uploads with drag and drop
- Select2 Plugin
- Range Sliders
- and more!
- Navbar with buttons, menu, forms, avatars, and more!
- Light/Dark Sidebar Styles
- Material Design & Font Awesome Icons
- Calendar App with drag & drop events
- Functional listing search with list.js
- Extended/Customized Vector Maps