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Pixel Art – Color by the Block Number – Unity 3D Game Template
Pixel Art or Color by the Block Number is game created by Unity. The concept of this game is very popular in App Store and play store with Lots of million downloads. This game also has many features that splash screen, a lot of character, the share button, button rating, remove ads and much more …
– This Unity Template Document
– PNG and Assets files and sounds
Full App Template Source Code
- Lifetime free Updates of the Template
- Support by the Original Author of the App Template
Note : You have to Use unity 2017.3.1f1
- Fully functional game with extra features! Easy Port to all platforms like android, IOS, windows! UNIVERSAL App (iPhone, iPod, iPad) supports all iPhone resolutions (including iPhone 6S) iOS 9 compatible Easy to change the game skin, Purchasable Pack, This feature will make the most revenue Sound control option Easy to understand and update, Ready for iOS9, android, windows!
-Export to a number of devices in the iOS/Android family
-Compatible with Unity version 2018.3.7f1
-Reskin services available from the animation/design team who built the app!
get you own Game template and be one of developers community
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