6Valley – Multi Vendor Ecommerce Flutter UI Kit V1.1
Flutter is an open-source mobile application development SDK created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS devices, as well as being the primary method of creating applications for Google Fuchsia, Flutter widgets incorporate all critical platform differences such as scrolling, navigation, icons, and fonts to provide full native performance on both iOS and Android.
SixValley Multi-Vendor Ecommerce App UI Kit is a complete Flutter UI kit for a Single or Multi-Vendor Ecommerce Application with 55+ screens covering many different use cases and coming more with the latest material design.
This template is developed with the highest quality, easily perfecting the reuse of widgets, Fast, easy, and completely user friendly. You can quickly develop a single or multi-vendor Ecommerce Application with many screens, widgets, assets it contains. Easy to use thanks to its clean code structure.
Note: In this template, we use the most powerful state management package Provider and Repository pattern for mocking data and we already integrated Dio Package for network API call so you can easily convert this UI kit to a real functional Application.
Integration covered by this UI Kit
- Provider for state management.
- Repository Pattern for mocking data.
- Dio for network call.
- Get_it for dependency injection.
- Pagination for list of data.
- Shimmer loading effect.
- Social media sharing.
- FCM – Firebase push notification.
- Image picker.
- Url launcher.
- Webview etc.
Screen Covered by this UI Kit
- Splash screen
- Nice dynamic On-Boarding screen
- Login and Registration with Email and Password.
- Smart Homepage.
- Product listing, detail, related product list.
- User-friendly product details screen.
- Product variant or attribute option.
- Nice all category, subcategory, and sub sub category screen.
- Category, Sub Category, and Sub Sub Category wise product listing.
- Brand wise product listing.
- Flash deal products and details.
- Search product with search suggestions.
- Filter option in search.
- Direct product sharing on social media platforms.
- Easiest guest checkout option.
- Product Wishlist.
- Multiple seller and in-house product selling system.
- Nice seller profile screen.
- Promo code system.
- Order list and details screen.
- Order tracking screen.
- Customer rating and review.
- Seller and customer chatting screen
- Multiple language options.
- Multiple currency options.
- Support ticket system.
- Notification screen.
- Offer screen.
- Help and FAQ screen.
- Under development screen etc.