Advanced Files & Users Management | ASP.NET Core | EF Core | .NET Core | MSSQL | MySQL
Advanced Files & Users Management is a multi-functional complete web application developed using ASP.NET Core 5.0 and EF Core code first technology. This web application enables you to manage all kinds of document with proper history, add interactive comment and along with a dynamic dashboard.
You can organizations store, track, modify, and manage documents on a centralized platform. Features include document sharing, add new comment, user management, bulk page access permissions, document download, and document preview, send document through email, document proper history etc.
It’s stored all types of documents in encrypted form on server. It allows you to upload multiple documents and share with unlimited system users. Admin can view, upload, edit, delete, add files and control user all access.
Technical Features
- ASP.NET Core 5.0
- EF Core code first
- Identity Core
- Partial page update CRUD operation
- Razor and jQuery for FE
- jQuery DataTable for faster data load
- Sweet Alert2 and Toaster notification
- select2 dropdown
- ASP.NET Core MVC Architecture
- Uses Swagger for API documentation
- Dependency Injection
- Standard Naming conventions
- JWT Token Based Authentication and Claim Based Authorization
- All Methods are Async/Await
- SignalR
- CORS Settings
- Docker Support