Apps Shop UI Kit – React Native & Ionic Templates (Grocery, E-commerce, Fashion, Furniture, Food)
Apps Shop
Baba Commerce is a modern, well-crafted and well-organized UI kit for E-commerce React Native App Template that can help you create a business application.
All components in this templates are built on using React Native standards with modern React Hooks, Redux and TypeScript for outstanding performances that can also help to customize them for your business, we don’t use any UI Framework like React Native Elements, Native Base and external UI library for this purpose. And script works perfectly on all android, IOS and tablet devices.
Important: In the Future, this item also includes IONIC ANGULAR (with capacitor) SourceCode as well, many more Unique UI Themes and Layout Designs.
Featured Screens
- aboutUsScreen
- addAddressScreen
- addressScreen
- blogDetails
- blogScreen
- cartScreen
- categoryScreen
- contactUsScreen
- customizeThemeScreen
- forgotPasswordScreen
- homeScreen
- homeScreenOne
- homeScreenTwo
- homeScreenThree
- homeScreenFour
- homeScreenFive
- introSliderScreen
- myOrdersScreen
- orderDetailsScreen
- orderPage
- privacyPolicyScreen
- productDescriptionScreen
- productDetailsScreen
- ratingReviewsScreen
- searchScreen
- SettingsScreen
- shippingAddress
- shippingMethod
- shopScreen
- signInScreen
- signUpScreen
- splashScreen
- termsAndCondScreen
- thankYouScreen
- updateProfileScreen
- wishlistScreen
Reusable components
- Button
- addToCartCard
- addtoCartPopUpModal
- cartCard
- CheckBox
- customCounter
- Icon
- Carousel
- Picker
- Dialog
- LoadingIndicator
- renderFooter
- reviewStar
- searchListCard
- Card
- wishlistCategory
- headerOne
- headerTwo
- headerThree
- headerFour
- dailyFeatured
- flashCategory
- flashCategoryTwo
- horizontalCategory
- horizontalCategoryTwo
- horizontalCategoryThree
- hotCategory
- hotCategoryTwo
- Accordion
- List
- ListItems
- categoryOne
- categoryTwo
- categoryThree
- categoryFour
- categoryFive
- cardOne
- cardTwo
- cardThree
- cardFour
- cardFive
- bannerOne
- bannerTwo
- bannerThree
- bannerFour