Arkio – Architecture & Interior React Template
Arkio provides you with a powerful and easy-to-use React Js template designed for architects, architecture firms, companies in the building industry, interior designers, property developers and real estate agencies. The template comes with a large variety of features, such as: Awesome Typography, Super Fast Loading, Optimized Files, YouTube Video Integration, W3C Valid Code, Easily Customizable and much more. Arkio is a React Js template that will help you build a beautiful and eye-catching Architecture & Interior Design Template.
If you are a developer or designer and want to built your Architecture & Interior, Arkio is a perfect Template for you. you can add your project & services there.
Arkio comes with 25 page
Main Features
- Reactstrap
- material ui
- Fully Responsive Layout
- 25+ Pages
- Free Icon Fonts
- Responsive Navigation Menu
- Form Validation
- Login
- Sign Up
- Forgot Password
- React Router 4
- React-slick
- and much much more…