Ball And Target Game | Unity Casual Project for Android and iOS
Point the ball towards the target and scoreGames
This is a casual game in which you must point the ball correctly to the target and get points, in the start screen. If you can’t point correctly towards the target and it goes out, you will be loser. Gradually, the speed of the game is increased to make you confused. This game is very interesting.
Download Android Demo
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How to Play:
Use the mouse click or touch to point the ball towards the target. Be careful not to miss three balls.
- Made with Unity Engine
- Supports touch and mouse
- Cross Platform(Android , iOS)
- Easy to reskin
- Speed difficulties
- Document included
- Unity 3D version 2019.3.9 or higher.
- Install unity 2019.3.9 or higher version to load up the project and see the read me file for details about editing, reskining and etc.