Cryptomask – Ethereum based Crypto wallet
Cryptomask – Ethereum ERC20-based crypto wallet. Users can send, receive and swap ETH or any ERC20-based tokens. It is developed with Flutter 2.10 (Null-safety) to support Android, IOS and Web. Infura node is used for blockchain interaction and Etherscan is used for user activities. Easy to set up all you need is just Infura and Etherscan API key and You’re good to go.
Key Features
- Create a wallet using 12 words Secret Recovery Key (BIP-39 Standard).
- Create multiple accounts based on a secret recovery key.
- Switch networks (Testnet enabled by default).
- Import wallet using Secret Recovery Key.
- Export wallet using Private key.
- Show balance of ETH and ERC20 tokens in native and fiat currency.
- Change any supported fiat currency.
- Wallet address with QR code and user can also share public address.
- Transaction history of all transactions including token transfers and token swap
- Login with a password.
- Receive and send ETH and ERC20 Tokens.
- Enhanced gas settings UI.
- Swap ERC20 Tokens
- Import custom tokens with the token address.
- Showcase your NFT in the wallet.
- Receive and send NFT collectables
- Import NFT that they own.
- Supports multiple languages with RTL support
- Very easy to change the colour scheme, just within a minute.
- View account on Etherscan.
- Reset and create a new wallet.