Dex Multilayer Parallax Wordpres Plugin
Is a wordpress plugin that allows you to create beautiful parallax sections with more that one layer. Be creative, combine layers in any style you want. We create 12 diferent examples to guide your first steps to a beautiful mulilayer world. Play with layers.
User Friendly
- Easy to Use & Install
- Create Multilayer Parallax with unlimited layers.
- No codding Knowledge Required.
- 2 types of Multilayer Effects: Scroll / Mouse.
- Drag & Drop Multilayer Parallax Interface Builder.
- 2 Types of Layer Styles. Image & Text
- Intuitive Backend UI
Options for background
- Multilayer Parallax with Image Background
- Multilayer Parallax with Video Background (Youtube ID Video)
- Multilayer Parallax with Pattern Overlay
- Multilayer Parallax with Solid Color Bg
- Speed/Ratio Adjusting for Background
Options for layers
- Adjust Position
- Adjust Speed/Ratio Independently for every layers and background
- Adjust Opacity Option for Layers
- Detailed Documentation
- Video Tutorials Included
=== CHANGELOG === Version 1.2 - 1 November 2016 - NEW UPDATE ----------------------------------------------- Changes : - Disabled wheel scroll on layers; - Renamed YT Player .fullscreen CSS rule to ensure compatibility with some themes that had .fullscreen CSS rules defined, resulting in unexpected UI behariours on front-end; - The dex_mlp_parallax shortcode parameter id, while it will be keept to maintain backword compatibility, it is now deprecated in favor of a more robust parameter "alias", which is the slug of each parallax; - Developer files, these are included only when WP_DEBUG is enabled; Updates : - Demo parallax import; - Parallax duplication feature; - Ability to enable responsive parallaxes. This is experiemental, use at your own risk; Version 1.1.1 - 16 March 2016 ----------- - fixed conflict issues with the latest version of Revolution Slider Version 1.1.0 ----------- - compatibility WordPress 3.5 and more Version 1.0.0 ----------- - initial release
We will offer you top noch client support, helping you all the way through your project. We usually respond in 24-48h in weekdays. Request send during holidays or weekends may take a few days to respond. If you have any questions please contact us.