Editor AI Autocompleter GPT

Editor AI Autocompleter GPT


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AI Text Completion


This Odoo module uses OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 language model to automatically complete text fields in Odoo, such as notes, descriptions, and messages. It also autocompletes email addresses based on previous user inputs.


Take advantage of Odoo’s newly integrated ChatGPT API now and experience the AI capabilities for free! If you prefer, you can still use your own API key and select the model that best suits your requirements.



“The AI Autocompleter GPT Editor” provides the convenience of streamlining manual work. The AI operates with minimal input, automatically adding identifiable descriptions for the text fields provided in Odoo. Administrators can also update various fields and configure different AI models, in addition to performing language translations. Moreover, it empowers users to generate automatic responses within the Odoo social network and across various applications, including automatic ticket responses and responses to project or quotation emails. Additionally, it offers the remarkable ability to rapidly create multiple texts, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

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