Exon – Bootstrap 4 HTML & Laravel Admin Dashboard Template
Exon is a powerful, clean and modern responsive bootstrap template with thousands of hours of work behind it. Every element is carefully and patiently created to achieve the best and most flexible result for everyone using it.
It is also developer friendly and well documented.
It has more than 300 pages containing 20 different layouts, 8 prebuilt dashboards, 32 application files and hundreds of cards, components, widgets and infinite possibilities.
Exon Admin Template also comes with an integration to the popular laravel PHP framework.
Building the template we used the power of Bootstrap, jQuery, Sass, Babel and GulpJS, While the Laravel integration takes advantage of Webpack, Laravel Mix, Blade templating Engine, PHP classes and Laravel framework itself.
Exon also comes with a series of starter pages, for each of its 20 different layouts, ready to be used by developers.
Some of Exon’s many featues :
- Fully Responsive Bootstrap 4
- +1400 Custom made HTML, PHP, Sass, JS and JSON files
- jQuery
- Laravel 7 Integration
- 20 Ready to be used layouts
- Datatables and lists with Algolia search.
- 8 Pre-built Dashboards
- Pre-built Apps (Mailbox, Chat, Task Manager, Contacts, File Manager, Calendar, etc.)
- 11 Unique Authentication pages ( Register, Login )
- 10 Unique and eye catching Error pages ( 404, 403, 500 )
- 8 Pricing tables
- 106 Chart types ( AMCharts, ChartJS, Morris, Apex, Flot, Peity )
- 29 Map types ( Google Maps, AMCharts Maps, JQVMaps )
- 25 Datatables ( Exon Custom Datatables,, Bootstrap Datatable )
- 13 WYSIWYG Editors ( TinyMCE, CKEditor, Quill, Summernote, Tiny Editor, Trix )
- 7 Ace Code Editor pages
- 7 Form Wizards
- 4 File Upload Plugins ( Uppy, Dropzone, Dropify, jQuery Upload )
- +31 Form Plugins
- 6 Icon Packs ( With live search on 3 )
- Unlimited Possibilities
- FREE Updates
- And many more…
Graphics are based on & Lstore.