Export Stock Information Reports(PDF/Excel) Odoo Apps
This Odoo apps helps to export current stock information for all products in one or several warehouses in single spreadsheet and pdf report, it also highlights the stock quantity in the report according to its availability.This Odoo apps provide filter of warehouse , product categories ,date range (Start date and end date) filter, Supplier/vendors filter in wizard to generate the product current stock valuation reports in pdf and Excel format.
Negative product quantity got highlighted.
User can see red color for negative products quantity in report.
Prints date filtered report.
User can print current stock report according to its availability in the mentioned date.
Print report based on multi warehouse.
User can set warehouse for the report.
Filter report based on category and supplier.
Prints report based on the selected category and suppliers.
Print report based on multi location.
User can set locations for the report.
Prints report excel and pdf report.
Prints both excel and pdf stock report which highlights negative stocks.