Flutter food delivery with laravel admin dashboard

Flutter food delivery with laravel admin dashboard



Flutter food delivery with laravel admin dashboard

Flutter food delivery system for demand and delivery foods online , in this applicatiion i used flutter framework for mobile part and laravel as backend and panel admin .

Flutter apps :

in this solution we have devlopped three flutter apps , one for client and one for delivery boy  and one for admin

client app features : 

  1. Support for Android and ios
  2. Multi language support 10 languages
  3. Paypal
  4. Stripe (3dSecure supported)
  5. Cash on delivery
  6. firebase crashlytics
  7. firebase analytics
  8. manage addresses
  9. delivery time
  10. does not accept away orders
  11. Login
  12. Register
  13. User Profile
  14. User active orders
  15. User carts
  16. User favorites
  17. Categories
  18. Responsive UI
  19. Nice loading widget (shimmer effect)
  20. Beautiful icons and navigation bars
  21. Light/Dark mode
  22. Flares animation
  23. Push notifcation with firebase
  24. Tracking on screen with slider
  25. Tracking on map
  26. GPS
  27. Provider as state management solution
  28. Clean code

Login[email protected]

Password : password

Flutter food delivery with laravel admin dashboard - 1

Flutter food delivery with laravel admin dashboard - 1

Flutter food delivery with laravel admin dashboard - 2

Flutter food delivery with laravel admin dashboard - 2

Delivery boy features : 

  1. Flares animation
  2. Multi language support 10 languages
  3. Responsive UI
  4. Login
  5. Deliver profile
  6. Nice loading widget (shimmer effect)
  7. Light/Dark mode
  8. Tracking on map
  9. Push notifcation with firebase
  10. Clean code
  11. Provider as state management solution

Login[email protected]

Password : password

Flutter food delivery with laravel admin dashboard - 3

Flutter food delivery with laravel admin dashboard - 3

Flutter food delivery with laravel admin dashboard - 4

Flutter food delivery with laravel admin dashboard - 4

admin features : 

  1. Mange orders
  2. Admin profile
  3. Support for Android and ios
  4. Multi language support 10 languages
  5. Responsive UI
  6. Nice loading widget (shimmer effect)
  7. Beautiful icons and navigation bars
  8. Light/Dark mode
  9. Flares animation
  10. Push notifcation with firebase
  11. Provider as state management solution
  12. Clean code

Login : [email protected]

Password : imtheadmin

Flutter food delivery with laravel admin dashboard - 5

Flutter food delivery with laravel admin dashboard - 5

Laravel features : 

  1. Laravel admin dashboard for manage your restaurant and your delivery boys
  2. Api
  3. Admin profile
  4. Statictics

Login : [email protected]

Password : imtheadmin



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2. After the purchase is confirmed, download links will be available for 7 days. If a license is required, please contact us via email or ticket for assistance with activation. Our license is only valid for activation and does not include support.

3.mailto:contact We provide Mobile, PHP script installation services for $19.90. Please create a backup after installation as we do not support re-installation. For mobile app source code, we do not offer installation services.

4. If you have any questions, please contact us by email contact@gplodoo.store or create a ticket on this page

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