FTP2FTP – Server to Server File Transfer PHP Script
1st FTP 2 FTP Transfer Script Ever in Codecanyon …
FTP2FTP is a PHP Script which will make transfer from one Server to Another. Simply it’s FTP Server (Sending) to FTP Server (Receiving) file transfer software. FTP2FTP does not use any Database, so very easy to install and run. Once you connect both Source and Designation FTP Account Settings, the script will let you to select files from Source Server and Start transferring to Designation FTP.
AJAX plays more….
Everything related to transferring and viewing files of both FTP Servers are AJAX based. So it makes easy for users to transfer their files and view then inside the Designation FTP. Also it’s possible to View and Download files from both servers. Deleting files is made only for Designation FTP. The interface is totally Bootstrap Based and Easy to customize.
How does it work
The script will work in little simple way. It will 1st connect to both Source and Designation FTP Accounts and display all the files from FTPs in Source and Designation File Viewers. Once you select file from Source File Viewer, script will download that file to a temporary folder. Once you finished selecting files from source FTP and click on Transfer Files button, script will take all the files in the temporary directory to a queue and start transferring them one by one to the designation FTP.
Need little space…
So what we need to understand is that we need some good space in the server where this script is hosted because script need to keep those files withing the server for a little bit of time. These temporary files are automatically removed.
- Transfer Files from One Server to Another
- Transfer Files Remotely
- No usage of Local Bandwidth
- View File of Both Servers
- Select Files from Designation FTP and Transfer
- Navigate both FTP Accounts
- Delete uploaded files to Designation FTP
- Download files from Both FTP Accounts
- View thumbnails and List View
- Thumb Preview and Popup for Image Files
- Easy to Customize
- Bootstrap Based Responsive Interface