Global – Multi School Management System Express
How you integrate ZOOM with Global Multi School?
- Create a ZOOM Account at Zoom Market Place Portal and follow all steps in completing the “ZOOM Account”
- Then create a “JWT App” inside your “ZOOM Account -> App Marketplace Left Menu” Follow all steps in completing the “JWT App”
- After completing the “JWT App”, you will get “Api Key” and “Api Secret”
- Then Save “Api Key” and “Api Secret” in the Software Under Left Menu-> Administrator “School Setting”
- Create zoom meeting for each “Live Class” from your “ZOOM Account” and you will get “Meeting ID”, “Meeting Password”
- Now you need to create “Live Class” schedule for the student with fill up “Meeting ID”, “Meeting Password”
- Teacher will start “Live Class” by Click “Left menu->Live Class->Host Class”
- Student will be able to join “Live Class” By click “Left menu->Live Class->Join Class”
- Now Student and Teacher will be able to communicate video, chat, audio, screen share etc..
- More detail with screenshot in documentation inside download zip.
Sources & Credits:
- Gentelella Bootstrap Admin Template
- jQuery Library
- CSS Framework – Bootstrap 3x
- Highcharts
- Table Data Grid – DataTables
- Icons – Font Awesome
- Message – Toastr
- Full Calendar
- Bootstrap Timepicker