Odoo App Employee Exit Process Management
Exit Process Management for Employee
Human Resource Exit Process for Employee in Odoo
This module allows organizations to handle employee exit processes or when employees leave the organization and allows your employee to configure exit process checklists and allow them to approve workflow of exit process flow.
Main Features :
- Allow your HR team to configure Checklists for Exit Process management of employees.
- Allow the HR team to create and manage an Employee Exit Request and workflow of the exit process request of the employee.
- Allow you to set up Employee Exit Checklists under configuration.
- Print Employee Exit PDF Report as shown sample.
Notes: Two new groups have been added by app:
1. Department Manager
2. General Manager.
Menus Available:
- Employees
- Configuration
- Configure Checklists
- Employee Exit
- Exit Requests
- Employee Exit Checklists
- Configuration
Testing Sample Users
- HR Officer ===> Charlie Lewis
- Department Manager ==> William Perry
- HR Manager ==> James Bond
- Genaral Manager ==> Calvin clane
- Accounting Manager ==> Thomas Evans
- Stock Manager ==> George Reed
- Account Finance Manager ==> Oscar Kelly