Instagram to WordPress Posts Automatic is a flexible WordPress Plugin make you can generate WordPress posts from Instagram. This plugin comes with built in options that you can use to generate different posts as you needed.
- Generate posts from instagram specify user
- Generate posts by your selected keywords
- Schedule publish posts as your selected
- Use WP Cron to check and run campaigns backend automatically
- Select post type include post, page, attachment
- Select post status include publish, draft, private, pending
- Select post author
Version 1.0.3 07/04/2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Update - Add feature to select post type include post, page, attachment * Update - Add feature to select post status include publish, draft, private, pending * Update - Add feature to select post author Version 1.0.2, 06/20/2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Update - Add Feature to Fetch data from specify instagram user * Update - Add instagram image to wordpress post content * Fix - Run this campaign again if not generate new post * Fix - Increase instagram api query result limit Version 1.0.0, 06/09/2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Initial release