Jobify | Job Board Nextjs Tailwindcss Listing Directory Template
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- Nextjs : Next.js aims to simplify the process of building complex web applications by providing a set of tools and conventions that help developers handle routing, server-side rendering, data fetching, and more. It offers various features
- Redux toolkit : Redux Toolkit is an opinionated set of utilities and conventions that simplifies the usage of Redux, a state management library for JavaScript applications. It includes tools for writing reducers, actions, and store configuration in a more concise and efficient manner, reducing boilerplate code and making it easier to manage complex state in your application.
- Tailwindcss : Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that streamlines web development by providing a set of pre-designed utility classes for styling HTML elements.
- Formik : Formik is a popular open-source library for managing forms in React applications. It simplifies the process of handling form state, validation, submission, and interaction with user input. Formik provides a set of components and utilities that help developers create forms with less code, better organization, and improved user experience.