Bestseller chat plugin is now smarter and faster! LC is designed for sales and support.
- Open source
- Install on unlimited domains
- 100 users1 can chat at one time (i.e. 10 operators and 90 visitors)
- Lightweight.. It works in iframe not to hurt your page performance. Your widget loads itself once your page fully loaded..
- Multi-lingual support (WPML and Polylang plugins)
- Very clean code
- More than one operators can reply the same user’s question
- “Email notifications” when new visitor is online (optional)
- SSL support. All your and visitor messages will be encrypted
- Tested with latest WordPress
- GDPR compliance (see details end of the page)
- Tested with PHP 7.3 and WordPress 5.4
(1): One browser tab equals to 1 user connection. If a user opens 2 tabs on your website, it will be counted as 2 user connections
- WordPress 4.7 or newer version
- PHP 5.4 or newer version
- Free Firebase account
“After the one off payment for the plugin there are no other costs such as monthly fees or other pricing plans making it a great choice for those who just want an online chat solution with no additional costs.” – WP Lift Review
- WP Lift – July 18, 2013
- Trip Wire Magazine – May 20, 2013
- WP Mayor
- WP Formation (French)
In WordPress Themes
- Legenda by 8Theme $59
- Royal by 8Theme $59
GDPR Compliance
Screets LC is safe and secure. All chat transmissions are sent through Google Clouds which is certified under major privacy and security standards – see
Besides, the plugin does NOT store any private information of your visitors into real-time database. They are all anonymous. So your visitors don’t need to request deleting data which is required by GDPR. However, you can still activate acceptance checkbox for offline form directly from offline chat options.
We are still working on better compliance for GDPR. If you have any questions, feel free to contact [email protected].