Process Costing in Manufacturing Odoo Apps
MRP Process Costing with Material Cost, Labour Cost and Overhead Cost Odoo Apps
Real Time Automated Manufacturing Process Costing based on Work Center Odoo Apps
Manufacturing Process Costing Odoo apps is use to calculate process costing of manufacturing and its workorder process with define labour cost and overhead cost from work center. This odoo apps helps to calculate Material Cost, Labour Cost, Overheads Cost for manufacturing and production orders when MO and workorder finished. Its calculates estimated costing and real costing both , estimated costing calculated on Bill of Material-BOM and real costing calculated on Manufacturing Order based on real-time consumption and actual quantity consumption on production order, So production manager can see difference of estimated costing and real costing to improve the productivity.You can also see the process costing calcualtion on Manufacturing order reports.
looking for MRP Process Costing with Accounting Entry Apps, please check below module link Process Costing with Accounting Entry Odoo Apps.
Multi Language Translation Available
We have added Translation using google translate for English (US), Arabic, French / Français, Spanish / Español and Dutch / Nederlands, if you want to change translation terms or add new translation provide us translation, we will add that without any cost.
Material Costing, Labour Costing and Overhead Costing for Production.
User can add direct material cost, direct labour cost and direct overhead cost in Bill of material as well as on Production order.
Total Process Costing for Bill of Material and Manufacturing.
Display total costing for direct material cost, direct labour cost and direct overhead cost in Bill of material as well as on Production order.
Automated and Manual Costing Method.
Supported two different costing method, Manually costing method allow to add labour and overhead costing manually on BOM and Manufacturing order. Automated Costing works based on work-center and production user/manager can defined labour cost/hour and overhead cost/hour under work center and costing will be done according to that with real time consuming hours.
Automatically Pass or Calculate Material, Labour and Overhead.
When user try manually costing method then direct material cost, direct labour cost and direct overhead cost automatically passed from the BOM to Manufacturing Order. When user select Workcenter Process costing method, costing will be calculated real-time, material costing calculated based on consumed material with product cost, labour costing calculated with assign work center’s labour cost/hour consumed time and overhead costing calculated with assign work center overhead cost/hour consumed time.
Print Costing Reports.
User can able to Print Process costing With BOM Report And Process costing With MO Report.
Supported Both edition.
This Apps supported Odoo Enterprise and Odoo Community Both Edition.