Midone – React Admin Dashboard Template
React Admin Dashboard Template
Midone is a responsive and fully featured Admin Template powered by the utility-first CSS framework TailwindCSS 3+. If you’re a developer looking for an admin dashboard with ready-made Tailwind components, developer-friendly, and highly customizable Midone is one of the best on the market. Even if you are not familiar with the framework, the template’s UI components can be easily customized without leaving the HTML code.
Midone is a unique, modern, and flexible Admin dashboard template that can be used to build Backend Applications, Information systems, CRM, or even to start a new simple project and learn to use TailwindCSS. We encourage you to have a good look at the live preview and discover all the themes and included features!
- React 18+
- TailwindCSS 3
- Vite 2
- Recoil
- PostCss
- 50+ Pages
- 100+ Components
- 3 Menu layouts
- 3 Form wizard layouts
- 3 Blog layouts
- 2 Pricing layouts
- 2 Invoice layouts
- 3 FAQ layouts
- Login page
- Register page
- Error page
- Update profile page
- Change password page
- 3 Users layouts
- 3 Profile settings layouts
- Post news applications
- Inbox applications
- File manager applications
- Chat applications
- POS applications
- CRUD applications
- Regular & Tabulator table
- Accordion components
- Button components
- Modal components
- Alert components
- Progressbar components
- Tooltip components
- Dropdown components
- Toast/alert components
- Typography components
- Feather icons
- Regular form
- Datepicker components
- Tom-select components
- Dropzone components
- Sumernote editor components
- Validation form components
- Chart widget
- Slider widget
- Image zoom widget
- Addon utilities and helper classes
- And much more..