Mirabot Admin Vue Dashboard Template
Mirabot administration model was designed with simplicity in mind.
All pages and applications are well designed to meet the needs of any administrator and web application.
We try to minimize dependencies as much as possible.
It is a vue dashboard and we use the vuetify framework to apply the themes.
So it’s super easy to change and customize.
General Features
- Dark Mode
- RTL Supported
- Modular and Minimal Design
- Multiple Layouts
- Custom UI Components
- Custom Applications
- Custom Pages
File Pages
- Dashboard
- Crypto
- Chart
- Ecommerce
- Icons
- UI
- Forms
- Tables
- Contacts
- Autentications
What’s used to develop this template?
- JS
- Vue
- webpack
- Vuetify
- Charts.js
- C3
- Morris
- Apexcharts
- SweetAlert
- Animate.css
- Ricksaw
- d3
- Echarts
- Fontawesome
- Material