Multiple Branchs/Units Operations by Company

Multiple Branchs/Units Operations by Company


Multi Branches Odoo App

Multiple Branches/Units Operations by Company

Multiple Branches/Units Operations Management

This module all Odoo to have multi branch concept by company. So you can set up multiple branches per company. The concept of multi-branch operates the same as multi-company environment works in Odoo standard.
This app support Branch/Unit features on Sale Order, Purchase Order, Invoice/Payments, and Warehouse.

Main Features:

  • Allow you to create and manage multiple branches/units of your companies.
  • Access group created for multi-branch similar like the multi-company group in Odoo standard/base.
  • Access records/security of its specific branch access of data to the user.
  • Working as a multi-branch concept same as Odoo’s multi-company environment.
  • Branch functionality added to Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Warehouse.
  • Note: Single chart of accounts for all branches by the company so the branch will share a single chart / common chart of the account which is configured for the company.
  • Users can see current branch records only (not all branch records where he/she is allowed to see). So the user has to switch to the current branch to view records for a branch.
  • Complete business workflow for branches i.e Sales order to Invoice and Delivery. Same for Purchase to Vendor bill and Vendor payments.
  • This app will compatible with Odoo community and Enterprise both editions.
  • For more details see the video and check the below screenshots. You can contact us if you have any queries.
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