Neptune Laravel Admin UI Template
What you are getting
- Next Laravel Generation 8+ – Neptune is built ontop of the latest edition of Laravel
- Actively Maintained – We will continue to add new features to this package over time. Requests and feedback are always welcome!
- Extensive documentation – Get a thourough understanding of what the template has to offer and immediately get the necessary information how the Project and Theme have been structured for use with ASP.NET Core.
- Customer support – Dedicated team is standby to address all your concerns relating to the template
Package Contents
- Laravel 8+ Full Project
- HTML5 Material Templates
- Extensive documentation
What is Neptune? – an advanced UI Bootstrap 4 Admin and Dashboard – is built for the next generation. Its’ exceptional design contains vast collection of assorted reusable UI components integrated with latest jQuery plugins optimized to suit every modern web application project worldwide.
What is Laravel? – a framework that attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, and caching. Laravel aims to make the development process a pleasing one for the developer without sacrificing application functionality.
Larevel 8+ Features:
- Blade Components, Routing, Middleware, CSRF Protection, MVC, Blade Template Inheritance (BTI), Session, Validation, Error Handling, and much more…
- Easy to change any colors of the theme and basic setting
- Basic authentication with Laravel Auth
Third party plugins
- bootstrap
- bootstrap-select
- bootstrap-touchspin
- animate
- apex
- autogrow
- chartjs
- chartlist
- clipboard-js
- countdown
- counter
- dragitems
- dropzone
- editors
- flatpicker
- fullcalendar
- highlight
- hopscotch
- input-mask
- jquery-ui
- lightbox
- maps
- morris-chart
- toast-notification
- owl-carousel
- perfect-scrollbar
- range-slider
- select2
- select-splitter
- sweetalerts
- dataTable
- tagify
- And many more! Please see the full list on the included HTML material templates.
Note: We will do our best to keep the list above updated and reflecting the actual contents of the package, however some differences might occur, if this should be the case then we will update the list as soon as possible.