Odoo Cancel Manufacturing Orders
Ease out the cancellation process of orders in Odoo!!
Odoo Cancel Manufacturing Orders facilitates you to cancel the MO. You can cancel the MO using Odoo Cancel Manufacturing Orders. It even allows you to cancel Odoo orders that have already been completed. The module assists you in making the manufacturing order process smooth and streamlined.
Handle Manufacturing Order Cancellation at the Last Minute!
There are frequently last-minute adjustments to the original plan, such as realizing you no longer need the item or that the quality is inadequate. But by default, Odoo forbids you from canceling production Orders.
Have trouble canceling the Manufacturing Order?
Here is a solution: you can cancel a manufacturing order in Odoo even after it has been completed using this feature. The module assists you in creating an efficient procedure for canceling Manufacturing Orders by taking into account the fact that there may be numerous causes for a last-minute cancellation.
List justifications for canceling the manufacturing order
Order cancellations without justification could lead to problems later. Since you can establish pre-defined grounds for canceling MO in Odoo, you have the opportunity to shorten the process.
When canceling a manufacturing order in Odoo, you may include a pre-determined reason and a description. This enables you to communicate clearly with the person who is affected by the action made.
Notify the manufacturer of a Cancelled MO.
It is tiresome manually updating every person when you cancel manufacturing orders in bulk. Manually calling people not only takes a lot of time but also a lot of effort.
Your issue can be solved by using Odoo Cancel Manufacturing Orders; once you cancel an order, the appropriate party is informed. As a result, any confusion can be avoided.
Cancel the Order and Reverse the Manufacturing Stock!
Whenever a manufacturing order is canceled the inventory reverses. No matter if the manufacturing process has been completed or is in the initial production stage. The inventory will flip its components.
Below is the highlighted features of module Odoo Cancel Manufacturing Orders
- Cancel the MO even in a done state
- Cancel multiple MO for the same reason.
- Records are deleted simultaneously from Odoo and the cloud.
- The module automatically notifies the concerned person.
- Create reasons for order cancellation from the backend.
- Reverses inventory to its components.
Detailed Features List
Below is the detailed list of feature of module Odoo Cancel Manufacturing Orders
Cancel Manufacturing Orders In Odoo
- You can cancel MO in Odoo even when the Order is in the done state.
Bulk MO Cancellation In Odoo
- You can cancel multiple MO by giving the same reason with the help of this module.
Mention Reasons For Cancelling MO
- You can manually create some common reasons with their sequence.
Notify The Concerned Person For The Cancellation
- The module allows you to notify the concerned person of MO.
Detailed Information About Cancellation Reason
- While selecting the reason, you can add a description for clarification.
- Hence, the reason is described well.
Reset Option in Cancel State
- You can reset the order to flip the stock after canceling the manufacturing order.
- Therefore, allowing to move stock to manufacture other customer’s orders.