Odoo Msegat SMS Gateway helps you integrate & manage Msegat SMS Accounts operations from Odoo. These apps Save your time, Resources, Effort, and Avoid manually manage multiple Msegat SMS Accounts to boost your business SMS Marketing with this connector.
Connect Multiple Msegat Accounts
- Integrate multiple Msegat Accounts in a single Odoo database.
- Fetch Sender IDs/TAG Names from Msegat.
- Allow to Test Connection feature.
- Allow to send Test TEXT SMS.
- Allow to fetch current balance from Msegat.
- Allow to set up advanced features.
Configure Multiple SMS Groups
- You can configure multiple SMS groups for different types of customers(i.e. Gold Members / Silver Members / Others).
- SMS groups to you can send Message to bulk Customers/Recipients.
Configure Multiple SMS Templates
- Configure SMS templates to you can save your time from write same SMS multiple time.
- Allow to create multiple SMS templates.
- Allow to Active/Deactivate SMS templates.
Send SMS
- Allow to send SMS to single contact.
- Allow to send SMS to multiple contacts.
- Allow to send SMS to specific groups.
- Allow to send SMS to direct customer’s mobile number.
- Track Successfully / Failed Messages detailed logs.
Confirm Sale/Website Order to Auto Send SMS
- Create and configure dynamic template for order’s customers.
- Use order’s fields in SMS template to make pretty and dynamic SMS template.
- Preview feature to you can test your SMS template design.
- Auto send SMS when confirm Sale/Website order.
- Based on requirement you can enable/disable this features.
- Track the SMS log for every sale/website order.
Confirm Delivery Order/Picking to Auto Send SMS
- Create and configure dynamic template for delivery order’s customer.
- Use delivery order’s fields in template to make pretty and dynamic template.
- Preview feature to you can test your template design.
- Auto send SMS when Validate Delivery Order/Picking.
- Based on requirement you can enable/disable this features.
- Track the SMS log for every delivery orders / pickings.
Track Logs
Track error logs for SMS to run your business smoothly.
- Connect Multiple Msegat Accounts
- Configure Multiple Msegat SMS Groups
- Configure Multiple Msegat SMS Templates
- Send SMS
- Send SMS to single contact.
- Send SMS to multiple contacts.
- Send SMS to specific groups.
- Send SMS to direct customer’s mobile number.
- Track Successfully / Failed messages detailed logs.
- Confirm Sale/Website Order to Auto Send SMS
- Create and configure dynamic template for order’s customers.
- Use order’s fields in SMS template to make pretty and dynamic SMS template.
- Preview feature to you can test your SMS template design.
- Auto send SMS when confirm Sale/Website order.
- Based on requirement you can enable/disable this features.
- Track the SMS log for every sale/website order.
- Confirm Delivery Order/Picking to Auto Send SMS
- Create and configure dynamic template for delivery order’s customer.
- Use delivery order’s fields in template to make pretty and dynamic template.
- Preview feature to you can test your template design.
- Auto send SMS when Validate Delivery Order/Picking.
- Based on requirement you can enable/disable this features.
- Track the SMS log for every Delivery orders/Pickings.
- Track error logs for SMS to run your business smoothly.