oeHealth ? Imaging Management

oeHealth ? Imaging Management


Diagnose critical medical conditions with various imaging tests preconfigured with oeHealth. OeHealth allows you to perform popular imaging tests such as X-ray, CT Scan, MRI, PET Scan and so on. You can also configure your own tests.
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oeHealth – Imaging Management

With All Community Apps Dependencies

Diagnose critical medical conditions with various imaging tests preconfigured with oeHealth. OeHealth allows you to perform popular imaging tests such as X-ray, CT Scan, MRI, PET Scan and so on. You can also configure your own tests.

Imaging Test Departments

 Configure Imaging Test Departments with oeHealth.


Imaging Test Types

 Configure different types of Imaging Tests with their names, assigning them the code & link it with respective department.

 Also here you can mention the charges for each imaging tests.


Perform Imaging Test

 Perform required imaging test as per the medical need of patient.

 Create imaging test wherein you enter the patient details, attach imaging test reports.

 Perform the required anaylsis regarding patient’s progress and derive conclusion for planning further medications for the patient.



 Raise invoice directly for the tests performed with a single click and you can then send the invoice directly to patient via email.

 OeHealth also allows you to register payment and add credit note whenever necessary.


Print Reports

 Print imaging tests report for further medical treatment plan.

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