Open SSO (Single Sign On) [NodeJS]
Open SSO is a centralized user management system that using Single Sign On (SSO) for authentication method.
Open SSO follow the JWT standard for Oauth 2.0 as describe in RFC7519 and RFC9068.
Why I should use this?
- If you have multiple application but want a single login authentication
- If you want a scalable user management system, JWT made everything stateless
- If you want to built microservice architecture starting from user
- Saving hours when you have a new project that require user management
- Helps other people to have login system to their static websites
- Make money online with put some ads, through sso login page
Features :
- Well Online Documentation, link on the file
- Easy Instalation and Configuration
- Single Sign On / Same Sign On
- Public REST API
- All basic user management system, signin, signout, forgot/change password. etc
- Support multiple databases, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, default is SQLite3
- Support multiple cache system, memory, file or redis. default is memory.
- HTML Minified
- Contact page + Mailer
- Included Google Analytics
- Easy verify Webmaster Tools
- Anti Spam with Google reCaptcha v3
- Fast, Low Overhead and Asynchronous Designed
- Strong in High Traffic with Worker / CPU Cluster
- Using Fastify v4 – The Fastest NodeJS Framework
- Using sequelize to support multiple databases
- Using Bootstrap 5 CSS framework
- Using ETA Template Engine
- Using JS Standard Code Style
- Uising Reactive UI with ReefJS v12 (no jQuery)