Whatsapp all-in-one Dashboard Features
- Click on button send PDF for the select record like Sale Order, Invoice (If we want to send the PDF of Sale, Purchase or Invoice then we can send it on whatsapp using only one single click.)
- Default Answers based on the configuration (Here we provided the one predefined default answer based on the configuration. We will send data instead typing the same things every time.)
- Search and Pagination functionality for Partner, Products,Sale Order, Invoice, Leads, etc in Dashboard.
- Create/Edit Functionality for Partner, Products, Sale Order, Invoice, Leads, etc in Dashboard.
- Facebook Meta API integration
- Realtime Chat notifications
- Drag & Drop Functionality for All the Modules
- Analytics
- Enable WhatsApp messages on accounts delivery orders
- Enable WhatsApp messages on purchase orders
- Send notification from CRM and Projects
- Enable WhatsApp messages on accounts invoices/payments
- Lead Generation Notification to the Salesperson
- Send messages with attachments to single/multiple Odoo contacts
- Send Signature, Order Information, Product Details in a Single Message
- Bidirectional Chat Functionality for Better Engagement
- Automatically Updates the Task Status
- Send Payment Reminders to Customers
- Send Details of Confirmed Orders
- Task Creation Notification to the Assigned User
- ‘Messages History’ Feature to Track Conversations.
- Supports Large Volume of Messages
- Easy-to-Configure Module
- Enable WhatsApp Messages on Sales Orders
Whatsapp-all-in-one Dashboard
Whatsapp-all-in-one dashboard is the user interface used to manage chats from Pragtech messenger modules for WhatsApp and also send information from Odoo base modules like sales, invoicing, purchases, contacts, and products.
Install the Whatsapp all-in-one dashboard first, and then install the Pragtech WhatsApp module.
You can access the configuration for WhatsApp module installed by navigating to Configuration → Settings
Enter the credentials of your Chat API instance on the Dashboard Settings page. Both the Endpoint and the token are required.
Bidirectional Chat Functionality
Open the Whatsapp dashboard. The left section is for chats, while the right side shows data from other modules within Odoo. In the chat section, select a chat type. Then choose a chat to open in the chat window.
In the chat thread you can send messages created in the composer below the screen by clicking the button with the plane icon or simply pressing the enter key.
Users can Access Analytics Reports Directly from the Dashboard.
Drag & Drop Functionality: Products, purchase , sales, invoicing, Inventory and contacts
You can access the records for sales, inventory (products), purchase, contacts and invoicing modules by the navigation tabs on the right side of the dashboard.
Drag and drop functionality for sales orders:
List views are used for sales while kanban views are used for products and contacts. Drag and drop functionality enables you to put details about a record directly into the composer.
The product images are also sent as part of the record details.
Users can send sales order’s pdf with a text message and extra attachments to the customer’s mobile number by clicking send WhatsApp messages from the Quotation/Sales Order form view.
Details in the message:
Drag and drop functionality for Purchase orders:
From the kanban views, you can drag the record image or the record details as shown below.
Users can send purchase order’s pdf with a text message and extra attachments to the customer’s mobile number by clicking send WhatsApp messages from the Purchase Order form view.
Details in the message:
Drag and drop functionality for Contacts:
Users can access the records for Contact from the dashboard and drag & drop the contact details in the chat:
Invoicing :
Users can access the records for Contact from the dashboard and drag & drop the contact details in the chat:
Users can send Invoice pdf with a text message and extra attachments to the customer’s mobile number by clicking send WhatsApp messages from the Invoice form view.
Details in the message:
Project Task:
We send newly created task information to the assigned salesperson.
CRM Functionality:
User can send newly created lead information to the assigned salesperson
Delivery Orders:
Users can send delivery order’s pdf with a text message and extra attachments to the customer’s mobile number by clicking send WhatsApp messages from the Delivery Orders form view.
Details in the message:
Credit Notes:
Same as the account invoice functionality module can be used for credit notes, and automatically the message will be added to chatter. Users can send credit notes pdf with a text message and extra attachments to the customer’s mobile number by clicking send WhatsApp messages from the credit notes form view.
Details in the message:
Livechat :
Live Chat functionality allows users to configure the operators for the backend support and provides bidirectional functionality from website chat window.
Scheduled Actions:
Automatic payment reminder messages to customers with due bills.