QuickChat Plugin For QuickCMS
NOTE: This is not a standalone application, its a module that requires Quickad Classified or Quickjob Job Script application installed, this is a module for Quickad or Quickjob Php Script.
Introduction to QuickChat module for Quickad or Quickjob Php Script
QuickChat Plugin is a module for Quickad Classified or Quickjob Job Script that enables you to receive payments from these CMS.
Set-Up / Installation:
There is no coding skills needed at all in order to set this plugin, similar to any other payment gateway on Quickad or Quickjob Php Script.
How to installation
- Step 1: You just need to download the zip which you get from the codecanyon after purchase.
- Step 2: Now extract the addon folder in plugins folder.
- Step 3: Login in admin and install it.
- Done.