Building a single page application in Javascript? Interested in moving to React/Redux? Don’t start from scratch – build a scalable , highly polished admin application with React/Redux and Bootstrap that works great on mobile and tablet as well as desktop.
New in 1.3.0 : Widgets! 7 new widgets – more coming soon. Updated to React 15.X updated several npm dependencies, added recharts. –
We will continue to update the project as more dependencies fix their proptype and createclass warnings.
New in 1.2.1 : Fixed react deprecation warnings
New in 1.2.0 : React Dark Theme
Default Theme -start editing LESS files to create wholesale layout, type and color changes to your app -begin compositing new containers and sub apps by utilizing the built in layout and UI components.
-babel.js -grunt -codemirror -react-codemirror -cookies-js -draft-js -draft-js-plugins-editor -googleapis -moment -rc-slider -react -react-chartist -react-color -react-datepicker -bootstrap -react-google-maps -redux -react-redux -react-router -react-router-redux -webpack -webpack-dev-server -react-hot-loader -font-awesome -material design icons
As well as the google font Raleway (