Scutum – Professional Material Design UIkit Admin Template
Scutum Admin is a professional HTML5/CSS3 Material Design template based on UIkit Framework (v3). It comes with 2 versions: HTML and VueJS that can be used to build any backend application: shop backend, analytics backend, CMS, CRM etc. HTML version source code is build with the help of PHP language (includes, simple functions and helpers). VueJS version is based on Nuxt.js framework, universal mode (SSR + SPA) is set as default but can easily be switched to SPA mode.
- Material Design/Material Design 2
- HTML and VueJS version
- Based on UIkit 3 framework
- VueJS version based on Nuxt.js (integrated vuex, axios, ssr etc.)
- Responsive layout
- Easily customizable (SASS files)
- Async loader (CSS/JS) in HTML version
- More than 80 pages
- Custom Pages
- Mailbox
- Notes
- Task Board
- Chat
- POI Listing
- Contact List
- and more…
- Custom Components
- Accordions
- Dropdowns
- Dynamic Grid
- Filters
- Lightbox/Modal
- Sortable
- Notifications
- Preloaders
- Tabs
- Timeline
- and many more…
- Integrated charting libraries:
- Billboard.js
- Chart.js
- Integrated plugins:
- Calendar
- Data Grid
- Datatables
- Gantt Chart
- Image Croper
- Google Maps
- Vector Maps
- and many more…