Seven Minutes Workout – Fitness, OneSingal, Facebook Ads, Android Java
Seven Minutes Workout application is a Native application coded in Java language.
The app has workouts for your abs, chest, legs, arms, and butt as well as full-body
workouts. All the workouts are designed by experts. None of them need equipment,
so there’s no need to go to the gym. Even though it just takes a few minutes a day, it
can effectively tone your muscles and help you get six-pack abs at home.
- Android Studio Chipmunk 2021.3.1
- Gradle 7.2
- Java Programming Language
- TargetSdkVersion 33
- CompileSDKVersion 33
- MVVM Structure
- Firebase
- Facebook Ads
- OneSignal
- Lottie
- Material Design
- Implement Google Material Material Design for Android
- Offline Handling
- Responsive Design
- Facebook Ad Networks (AdMob,, Unity Ads, AppLovin Discovery, AppLovin MAX, Audience Network)
- Support App Open, Banner, Interstitial & Native Ad formats
- Integrated with FCM & OneSignal Push Notification
- Splash Screen
- Rate, Share & More apps
- Exit Dialog
- Easy configuration
- Firebase Analytics
- Firebase Messaging
- Firebase Crashlytics
- MVVM structure
- Dagger
- Data binding
- Handle font size device wise
- Lottie
- Clean Code
- Well Documentation