Latest version 3.0 – April 28, 2020 (compatible with Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress 7.1)
This plugin is an extension for Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress and requires version 6.0 or newer to run.
- 4 different message types for share, follow, subscribe or WooCommerce purchase
- Show notifications on entire site or just on selected post/page IDs
- Control appearance on mobile devices
- Ability to show for only logged or logout user or new visitors
- Configure the periods when the message will appear, stay on screen and pause between different messages on one page/post
- Loop messages – show notifications again from the beginning
- Set the number of messages
- Control the styles of messages on site
- Message variations for each type – up to 5 different message variations
- Custom URL redirect on message click – ability to overwrite the default action and the send user to a different page for the message type
- Generate social share notifications, showing the number of shares of current post/page on a particular social network. The message is one click share action for the chosen social network from the list. To run this feature you need to use the share counters on your site by Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress
- Generate social profile follow notification, showing the number of followers on a specific network. Click on the message opens the user social profile of the displayed network. To run this feature you need to have social followers counter configured from Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress
- Generate subscribers notification. Show the value of subscribers in the message (manually enter). If you are using the subscribe forms in Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress the plugin will generate a one-click subscribe form. If not you can use the redirect to custom URL option.
- Recent WooCommerce purchase notifications. Generate a list of your most recent purchases and show them to the user