SuperUp – Cupertino Theme Full Whatsapp Clone | Mongodb | Flutter
Super up
- Welcome to Super up chat app the most complete chat app in flutter!
- SuperUp Cupertino Theme Full Whatsapp chat Clone And Mongodb With Flutter
- In this app we will see the following features
- First, you can check out our online documentation
- GET 33% 99$ =>
150$discount NOW for the initial release FROM 18 NOV 2023 to 18 DEC 2023
- Try the app Now! it available on 5 platform thanks to Flutter!
- Flutter for clint side last version or
v 3.13.7
- Nodejs
or later in the backend side Nestjs - socket-io for real time management
- mongodb for data storage v
v 5.*
orv 6.*
only - Some backend tech Bearer token
, - agora-io for video and voice calls
- All media saved on the server on your vps server
- Google Maps for share chat location
for send reset password OTPfirebase-admin
for push notificationsgeoip-lite
for detect user country
- This app almost whatsapp clone will all functions work like whatsapp exactly!
- No Firebase is used only used for push notification, and you can switch to OneSignal
- Docker ready
- Login And register by email and password
- Reset password by send code to user email
- Receive share from other apps (android,ios) works
- Search in chats by usernames
- Filter chats by unread chats
- Create group chats
- Create broadcast chats same as whatsapp
- Unread chat for all chats and for each chat like whatsapp
- [mute un mute notifications],[Delete],[Report] chats
- Call history with call duration
- reset password OTP by send mail (You need to configure it form backend .env.production)
- Report users
- Block Users from the app
- All users have not deleted his account and search on them
- Settings tab (light mode,dark mode)
- Settings tab update account name ,Bio,image,password,delete my account
- Star messages
- Manage device page (see all app devices and logout for anyone)
- Support for language 16 already included in the packages
- Admin notification so admin can send notification to all users
- Blocked users page
- In app notification mute for all chats
- Help (contact us) and (privacy policy page)
- Check for update
- Logout for the app
- Group chat mentions
- Nicknames support
- Voice and video calls using
- Send Text, image, video, voice note, documents, location share
- Full support for offline chat even you send message while the app has a bad network it will resend
- We support 4 type for message status exactly like whatsapp (pending,send,delivered, seen) all states work excellently
- Last seen and group (total online, total members count)
- Good voice player support next play and speed up the voice player and more!
- Ensures all functions work on various platforms, including Android, iOS, web, macOS, and Windows.
- Full sync message between all platforms in real time!!
- FCM and OneSignal push notifications supported
- Enables message forwarding to multiple rooms, replying with auto-highlight, sharing messages externally, message info tracking, deletion for oneself and all receivers, media sharing from external apps, and more.
- Delete and delete from all functions in message
- From admin panel you can set max limit for group members and broadcast and max forward,share message limit,max media Upload size and more
- Messages search
- You can ban users from use the app from an admin panel and more!!
- You can see statistical analysis of messages and rooms and users in an admin panel
- Clean UI/UX app clone from whatsapp for ios
- Download Media for all platforms
- Admob ads (banner) – Control from Admin App
- User Profile View
- See All Joined Users management system for group chats users,admins,superAdmins
- More and more you will discover inside the demo!
- Max file code length is 400 all code is clean code can be edit easily!
- More updates will be available soon
FEATURES Admin (Apps)
- See all users with time of join and search of them
- See the number of users (deleted, online, etc…)
- See more about all devices that use the app
- Messages and Chat Rooms counter and more
- See all counties that uses your app and its number!
- Ban and delete users from admin panel
- See all information about specific user
- Send notification to all users who use the app!
- Control Your chat app like allow calls or show ads and more!
- set max limit for a group of chat and broadcast also
- there are more to discover in the admin app give it try!
- admin app is responsive you can use it even on mobile and generate apk or web for it!
- 16 language support for admin also
- More updates will be available soon
Why to purchase
- No Firebase high-cost price!
- Self-deployment server you will have full access to your database!
- Fast and secure with Node.js
- Support for android, ios,mac,windows,macOs included in the source code with same price
- Support an admin panel included in the source code with same price
- Support up to 16 languages and more in next updates
- Full customizable
- Clean code with SOLD principles