Tailoron – Online tailors and stitching store
Tailoron mobile app has been designed and developed after thorough research keeping in view the requirements of such businesses. It could be a great choice for anyone looking to establish an online tailoring business using this app as it would allow businesses to add the clothing lines and styles they offer which could then be customized by end users online using this app as can be seen in the demo of this app. This application has some excellent features as mentioned below which would help any potential businesses to start their business with this affordable yet comprehensive system (please see demo before purchase).
Admin side features:
- Authentication with firebase
- Graphical representation of orders
- Order count based on status
- Admin can create and setup categories
- Admin can create a complete customizer under each category
- Admin can edit or delete any customizer step on any point
- Admin can create general body measurements
- Admin can view orders
- Admin can update the order status
- Admin can perform real time chat with user against each order
- Admin can set and change the app currency
- Admin can change the language of the app
- Admin can manage online and offline orders
- Admin can create custom email templates
- Integration of send grid to send emails
- Stripe integration for online payments
User side features:
- Authentication with firebase
- User can view categories
- User can search any category
- User can set his/her profile
- User can order by customising any category
- User can view orders in cart
- User can pay online to make an orders
- Online payment proceed through stripe
- User can view order history
- User can chat with admin against each order