Techzen – IT Solutions & Technology React Template
Techzen is a fantastic React template for modern technology, creativity, and IT solutions. Anyone can create IT/Software Services, any kind of business, apps, software, SaaS, applications, and other tech landing pages with this template. This template has a contemporary style, with all Home Pages and tons of fantastic internal pages already included, like Services, Case Studies, About, Contact, FAQ, and various blog layouts.
It includes more than thirty fantastic pre-built pages, including service pages, project pages, team pages, testimonial pages, multiple blog layouts, and high-quality 06 Demo Homepages (03 Multi Home + 03 Onepages). It will function well on all smart devices because it is also super responsive (smart phones, tablet, PCs and desktops). It is also easily changeable by anyone because it is cleanly coded and has excellent documentation.
Main Feature:
- 06 Demo Homepages (03 Multi Home + 03 Onepages)
- 30+ React Pages Included
- Fully Responsive Design
- Built with Bootstrap 5.x
- Blog Page Included
- Awesome Case study styles
- Working Ajax Contact Form Included
- Google Map
- Google Fonts
- Pricing Table
- Testimonial
- Mobile Browsers Compatible
- Rimix Icons
- W3C Valid HTML Code
- Cross browser Compatible
- Reliable support
- Well Documented That’s Why Easy to Change
- and much more
React Features:
- Components
- One-way Data Binding
- Virtual DOM
- Simplicity
- Performance