TikTok Feed is premium WordPress plugin to create stunning gallery of TikTok videos for any user, hashtag/challenge, Music or Trending feed.
With 40+ shortcode options to adjust the feed to suit your need, the plugin comes with interactive shortcode generator tool to play with and preview the output with the changes.
You have 3 different display modes for the headers. Default, Card and Compact mode.
This plugin gives you full control over the feed gallery. Open the feed video in a popup with arrow keys navigation or redirect visitors to TikTok video page.
Control various aspects of popup window along with visibility of elements, colors, fonts.
The plugin is translate ready and you can use your favorite translation plugins like WPML, Loco Translate or qTranslate. You can also translate using .pot files provided with plugin.
With the purchase of this plugin, you will get lifetime free updates and 6 months of premium support.
TikTok Feed for WordPress allows you to display TikTok feed by username, hashtag, Music ID or Trending in your WordPress website using shortcode in your favorite editor or sidebar widgets.
No API or credentials are required for this plugin to function. Install, activate the plugin and head over to shortcode generator to get your shortcode for feed.
With interactive shortcode generator, you can enable/disable(show/hide) certain blocks/sections, change text & background colors, font sizes, video grid column counts, number of videos per page or enable/disable feed pagination.
The plugin has built-in cache utilizing WP transient to make sure your site has reduced resource usage and increase speed.
Plugin Features:
- Easy installation. No complex API setups required
- Display Feed by Username, Hashtags, Music ID or Trending Feed.
- Easy to use shortcode generator to generate shortcode to use in posts, page or sidebar widgets.
- Color & Font customization for each shortcode instance to blend with your theme.
- Translate Ready. Works with string or POT files translation plugins.
- RTL ready
- Cache Enabled
- Coded with latest WP standard.
- Let visitor download default, no-watermarked videos.
- Let visitor download video music.
What buyer’s say!
Some websites using this plugin:
- & many more
- 2.4.5
- Positioned video popup on middle of screen in big screens.
- 2.4.3
- Fixed css compatibility issues on Opera Browser.
- 2.4.0
- Added video download option
- Added verified badge for TikTok verified users.