Trainer Booking
With All Community Apps Dependencies
This module is used for Trainer Booking in GYM.
Trainer Booking For a Session
- Can Create Training Session.
- Book Trainer for that Session.
- Can select Members who Attend the Session.
- Can select a Trainer for the Session.
- Can Book a Trainer for some Hours or for Whole Day the Session.
- Trainer Booking is based on Trainer’s Working Schedule.
Trainer Profile
- Trainer’s personal and work details.
- Information about trainer’s working schedule and trainer’s training session.
Trainer Booking
- Trainer booking based on duration.
- Gives validation if the trainer is Not Available for that Time and also if the trainer is on leave.
Working Schedule of the Trainer
- Information about Working Time of Trainer and Leaves.
- Trainer Booking is done based on His Working Time.