Trizen – Travel Hotel Booking HTML5 Template with Dashboard
Trizen is a Completed OTA Booking system for hotel, tour, car, flight, cruise, activity like etc. Trizen allows you to easily and effectively create your very own travel booking website. This template comes with necessary features and two dashboard for Admin and User Trizen can be a great choice for your online travel booking agency.
This high-quality and Responsive Travel Booking Template is developed using Bootstrap 4, SASS, CSS3, and Javascript. All Codes are beautifully written and W3C validated. Works pretty fast and it is fully responsive, on Desktop, Laptop, iPad, iPhone, Android Mobile, or tablets. It’s super easy to customize and detailed documentation is also included.
This Template is very customizable and it comes with documentation that is easy-to-understand and our support team is always ready to help if you need any help. Please check our honorable user reviews. We provide 5-star customer support. So, you can be assured that your business runs fine with our template.
Please note that this is not WordPress theme
Template Features
- 6+ Homepages
- 103+ Necessary inner Pages
- 2 Complete Dashboard admin and user
- Unlimited Design Posibility
- Free maps
- Advanced Popups
- Bootstrap 4
- Fully Responsive
- Parallax Effect
- SCSS files included
- BEM (Block, Element, Modifier) Methodology
- Cross Browser Compatible
- W3C Validated Code
- Easy to Customize
- Fancybox
- Counter
- line-awesome icon
- Free Google Fonts
- Detailed Documentation
- All files are well commented
- Very easy to customize
- Fast support from experts
- And lot More…
- Roboto
- line-awesome
- Bootstrap 4
- jQuery.min.js
- Popper.min.js
- Bootstrap
- Owl-carousel
- Chart js
- Pure counter
- Fancybox
- free map leaflet.js
Image Credits
Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the main downloadable template and NOT included in the downloaded file. You may use your images.